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Mike Hannigan's research group has worked on many different awesome air quality projects. For some quick information check out the projects below or click on the links to learn more. 

Spatial Variability Projects

For an overview of the spatial variability projects: 

LA Project: The purpose of the project is to study ground level ozone in the LA basin, an area with a notoriously high number of exceedances of the NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standard) specified by the EPA. Ozone has negative effects on human and plant health. For more information: 

Boulder Project: The purpose of the project is to study the small scale spatial variability of ground level ozone in Boulder. The Denver-metropolitan and North Front Range region (including Boulder) was designated a nonattainment area for ozone by the EPA in 2012 based on 8-hr averaged ozone concentrations exceeding the NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standard) for ozone. For more information: 

Heating and Indoor Air Quality on the Navajo Nation: This project is aimed at gaining a better understanding of how heating fuel choice can impact air quality in homes on the Navajo Nation.  Employing Upod air quality monitors, developed by members of the Hannigan lab, in addition to filter sampling equipment,  gas and particle phase pollutants were measured inside and outside of homes in Tsaile, Arizona, and Shiprock New Mexico.  For more information: 

Denver Julesburg and San Juan Basin Studies: In this group of studies, Upod Air Quality Monitors are used to measure several atmospheric trace gases in two oil and gas production basins via spatially distributed continuous measurements. For more information: 

Cookstove Project

REACCTING: This project is designed to deliver a carefully designed stove and a comprehensive set of measurements to assess the intervention’s impacts along a pipeline of intermediate to final outcomes involving air quality measurements in Ghana. For more information: 

VOC Sensors and Arrays for Hydrocarbon Quantification Projects

For an overview of these projects:

Methane and Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Monitoring in Communities:We are supporting the use of our monitors and working to improve both methane and total non-methane hydrocarbon quantification in two communities in California. For more information:

Methane Detector Challenge: Our lab participated in a challenge issued by EDF to develop a ‘smoke-alarm’ type methane monitor that could be placed on a well-pad to catch major leaks. For more information:

FRAPPE/DISCOVER-AQ: Approximately 20 low-cost monitors were deployed during the summer of 2014 to examine spatial variability of pollutants in a remote sensing-sized grid cellbio. For more information: 

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